Nina Feliciano

My grandmother and grandfather were born in the Philippines and immigrated to the U.S in 1967 to Baltimore, Maryland, where we currently live. A few years after, my mother was born, the second child of four. She went to the Friends School of Baltimore, which is where she first started taking Russian. My mom graduated college majoring in Russian and Soviet Studies, and met my dad in Russia. My father came to the U.S and my parents married in 1992. I was born in Baltimore, MD in 1999. My cousin was born in Baltimore, MD in 2000. She is the daughter of my mom's younger sister, who married a Filipino.

This was a multigenerational project. My mother and my grandmother's hands were used in the photos. My cousin was the photographer, and she physically wrote and drew the illustrations. I formatted and wrote the piece.

Some questions that I thought would be cool to pose when looking at this would be: What can you see through hands? and What can't you see through hands?

Thanks to my grandmother (Christina Feliciano), my mother (Melissa Feliciano), and my cousin (Gracie Reyes).

Follow Nina, @ninaf3210, or connect with her on Facebook. 
